Sunday, September 16, 2012

MYST POST #1: Taken Back: Finding Haley (2012)

      Taken Back: Finding Haley (2012) is a Lifetime Movie Network (LMN) movie. This movie was about a mother, Karen (Moira Kelly), who is completely obsessed about finding her lost daughter. Even though I thought this movie was really overdramatic and creepy, it was an ok movie. There were parts in the movie where I was actually laughing because I was like, “Is she really doing this right now?” . Other than that, this was supposed to be based on a real story, so the director, Mark Jean, couldn’t change the story line too much. 

       This was on over the weekend and I didn’t have much to do so I decided to watch it. Because this was a LMN movie, I was not expecting too much. In the past, I have seen many Lifetime movies. Most of the Lifetime movies I have seen have not had the greatest actors and actresses such as in, Girl, Positive and The Good Guy. This movie though, I thought had tolerable actors and actresses. The main actress, Moira Kelly, I thought did a pretty good job playing her part. She was very into the role and when she was crying it seemed like she actually meant it.

      The cinematic aspects of this film were pretty good in my opinion. There were many different kinds of shots and angles presented in this film. At one very dramatic time there was an extreme close up. I thought this made the scene so much more dramatic. The lighting and sound I thought also played a huge role in this film. When the scene was sad and the main character was crying, the light was dark behind her, but her eyes looked as if they were highlighted.  The background music was important as well. When the scene was happy and positive, the background music was fast and carnival like showing everything was fine… until, all of a sudden it stops and something is wrong in the movie. I thought that was really cool.
Taken Back Finding Haley (Lifetime) (14)

     I think people who really like Lifetime movies would like this movie because it is dramatic and full of Lifetime suspense. If you have nothing better to do, this is one of those movies that you would watch. It is nothing special, but it was watchable.  I would give it 2.5 stars.  


  1. I don't know Laura I kind of really love the movie Girl Positive, especially watching it in health class hahaha jk. I agree about Lifetime movies and how the acting is not very good and that plot stinks but I am actually curious about this movie. You make it seem like an OK movie. I kind of want to see it...

  2. I agree with you and Emily about lifetime movies, but there is just something about them that i love. Nothing is better then a Lifetime movie marathon. I watched this movie not that long ago either and i actually really enjoyed it, plus i really like Moira Kelly from her role in One Tree Hill. I think this i one of the better new movies that Lifetime has come out with.
