Sunday, December 9, 2012

MYST Q2 #3: Memento (2000)

MYST Q2 #3: Memento (2000)
Memento (2000) was a film that we watched in class and when we weren't able to watch the whole thing, I really wanted to see the rest. Memento (2000) is directed by Christopher Nolan who is also known for The Dark Night (2008), The Dark Night Rises(2012), and Inception(2010). Inception is one of my favorite movies and I can really tell that the director was the same for both films because they are the same in the fact that the ending leave you to figure out what really happened. Memento (2000) is about a man named Leonard (Guy Pearce) who suffers from short term memory loss. He is on a misson to find the man who raped and killed his wife. But since he cannot remember, he uses pictures, notes, and tattoos to remember very important information. I loved this movie and I would give it 5 out of 5 stars.
This movie was so confusing at the beginning. I was so lost but then, it clicked and I understood. The weird thing about this movie was that it plays in reverse. The movie starts off where it should end and it ends where it should start. After a few scenes, I caught on. Each different scene, goes farther and farther back into the storyline. I thought this is one of the coolest ways to make a movie. There is no other movie that I have ever seen that does this, so it is different and I think that is why I really liked it.

Another thing that was different about this movie was that it was separated info different sections. The film would alternate between the actual movie and a scene that showed Leonard (Guy Pearce) talking on the phone. The scene that showed Leonard talking on the phone was also in black and white while the rest of the movie was in color. Another thing that I found interesting and thought was really ironic in the film was that during the movie Leonard says that he does not like talking to people on the phone. But in the film, there is a good amount of time that shows him in his motel room talking on the phone. I don’t know what that means. But I thought it was really ironic.

I really liked this movie and I recommend this movie to anyone who enjoys thrilling movies with some mystery to it. Like I said, I thought this movie was like Inception (2010) in the fact that I was confused at the end and I needed to talk to my friends and family to discuss what we just watched. I give this movie 5 out of 5 stars and recommend that everyone sees it. 


  1. LAURA! Hi! I totally agree with your rating of Memento it definitively deserves 5 out 5. I was confused in the beginning as well but it all makes sense in the end like you said. I never noticed the phone thing but yea that is kinda ironic that that happens all the time!

  2. I totally agree with your review, and I really liked the movie as well. I think it's interesting what you said about it being similar to Inception. They are both very creative ideas, and both of the beginnings are confusing, the first time watching. About the phone thing, I'm not sure, but I thought he didn't like talking on the phone, because he would forget who he was talking to and just talk on and on. I think the phone conversation that they keep showing is what makes him think it's not such a good idea to be on the phone.

  3. Hey Laura, nice review. Good work, and I'm glad you liked the movie. I think it'd be a good comparison/contrast to analyze Inception and Memento. Which is better for suspense? Which has better acting, editing, etc. Anyway, good work!
